Page name: low life RP [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-07-12 14:53:40
Last author: ~Cerys~Cymraeg~
Owner: EmO GuRl
# of watchers: 15
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low life RP
you gotta tell me before you put anything in this page pweez people xNO TXT WRITING!

[you can put your own character in too change description a lil and change pik ov character if you want too ^_^]

my characters
mee-mee:- when acted is in bold
Durk:-when acted is in normal
Dale:- [when acted is pink]

Matts characters
Machy:-normal writing
Nevar:-[in pink writing]

Cerys Characters :
Ola/Gregorio - Normal writing
Arianwen - [pink writing]
Georg - Bold writing
Lee - Normal writing

jacobs characters :
archwyn - normal
ryu - [pink writing]

Girls low life characters

boy low life characters

evil low life characters

angel low life characters

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[~Cerys~Cymraeg~]: [Whatever you choose]

[emokid777]: [ryu drawed out his sword " y..y..y.ou...a..always...w...were....t...the...hero!]

[ILY;;]: ((i dont know)) Durk growled "You dare go anywere near her i will shoot you down man just piss off and go!" Hes stared at him

[~Cerys~Cymraeg~]: Ola stared and approached Ryu slowly "Give me your sword ryu..please..." [Boy then...]

[ILY;;]: ((oki)) Durk watched her closely.

[emokid777]: [ryu " me! " ryu hit durk to the floor]

[~Cerys~Cymraeg~]: Ola screamed "NO! ryu!!" she ran at him

[ILY;;]: Durk growled and kicked him somewere he shouldnt. Got up and smacked him in the mouth.

[emokid777]: [ryu ignored it as he was drunk and slamed durks face into a tree "!" ryu kicked durk in the ribs 3 times]

[ILY;;]: Durk fell to the floor he wasnt ready to fight he let him do so. he lay there looking at Ola in pain "Ola go..."

[~Cerys~Cymraeg~]: Ola screamed at ryu "stop it...please..your killing him!!"

[emokid777]: [ryu got out his blade and was ready to slash durk] archwyn herd something and ran to the forest while holding arieanwens hand

[ILY;;]: Durk curled to a ball "Ola will you go i will be fi..."

[emokid777]: [ryu swung his blade toward durk]

[~Cerys~Cymraeg~]: [arianwen dived on ryu] Ola pulled durk out of ryu's way

[ILY;;]: Durk took hold of her in pain.

[emokid777]: [ryu suddenly disapeared from there eyesight] archwyn said " SHIT " 

[~Cerys~Cymraeg~]: Ola clung to him " you okay?"

[ILY;;]: Durk had his eyes shut and winced holding his raibs.

[~Cerys~Cymraeg~]: Ola took his hands and prepared to heal him

[emokid777]: archwyn gave ola a herb " use this it will help alot...but..."

[~Cerys~Cymraeg~]: Ola nodded "thank you...I appreciate this..."

[emokid777]: archwyn said " i promised mee-mee that id keep her and durk safe i must keep that promise....."

[~Cerys~Cymraeg~]: Ola nodded and healed him

[ILY;;]: Durk couldnt breath well after being kicked it the ribs he held Olas had tight.

[~Cerys~Cymraeg~]: Ola smiled "You'll be fine..." she kissed his forehead

[emokid777]: archwyn said " my mother just snatched ryu before he killed durk...if im correct she will corrupt him like she did me...."

[ILY;;]: Durk coughed sitting up.

[~Cerys~Cymraeg~]: Ola's head snapped up "Shadow is still alive?...wait...I thought machy killed her"

[emokid777]: archwyn quickly said " durk! wheres your mother! "

[ILY;;]: Durk began to breath slightly and held Ola close...."At Home w-why?" || Mee-Mee ficked the wall and began to make a tea.

[~Cerys~Cymraeg~]: Ola smiled and looked up at archwyn "Shes still in the house i think..." she lay Durk's head on her lap

[ILY;;]: Durk lay there breathing normaly smiling slightly.

[emokid777]: archwyn said " i have to go arienwen help ola " archwyn flew as fast as he could to mee-mee

[ILY;;]: Durk stared "Whats wrong with her!" || Mee-Mee was at the kitchen window.

[~Cerys~Cymraeg~]: [Arianwen knelt in front of durk]

[emokid777]: [ryu was in mee-mees seeing distance with blackend eyes like archwyns was when he was posesed ] archwyn dodging trees left to right as it would get him there faster then going up

[~Cerys~Cymraeg~]: Ola held onto durk "Ryu has gone after her...please...stay here, your not ready to fight so soon"

[ILY;;]: Durk shook his head " MY MOTHER!" he shot up and ran. || Mee-Mee smiled and waved at Ryu then relized his eyes and gasped.

[emokid777]: [ryu then dashed inside and charged at mee-mee with his blade] archwyn sees the house and sees mee-mee

[ILY;;]: Mee-Mee doged it and kicked him in the mouth || Durk dashed there.

[emokid777]: archwyn broke threw the window and tackled ryu before ryu used his blast

[ILY;;]: Durk took hold of his mother tight and dashed away putting her beside Ola. || Mee-Mee gasoed "Archwyn is still there!" || Durk dashed back.

[emokid777]: [ryu used his blast knocking archwyn into a wall] archwyn dashed off the wall and back at ryu [ ryu blasted him back into the wall ]

[ILY;;]: Durk got there pushed them away from each other moved Arch out the way and smacked Ryu threw the wall were he lay there.

[emokid777]: [ryu turned to normal then warped to his hiding place " w....what have i done... " ] archwyn looks down and noticed that he was stuck to the wall from a blade archwyn hung there trying to pull the blade out but couldnt

[ILY;;]: Durk turned to face him "What do you want me to do?"

[emokid777]: archwyn ignored his tone and couldnt speak

[ILY;;]: Durk raised an eyebrow looking at him ~hmmmmm~

[emokid777]: archwyn hung there

[ILY;;]: Durk took hold of him and pult him down "sorry if this hurts"

[emokid777]: lay on the floor and reached in his pocket and put a herb on the wound then gave durk a amulet

[ILY;;]: Durk took hold of it "Now what"

[emokid777]: archwyn said " n...n...nothing i....ill i...i..i..its ..f.f.for k..keep....just a gift...."~ though it has been passed down my family he deserves it...hes a good kid...~

[ILY;;]: Durk rubed the back of his head anime style and smirked "Thanks what about you!" He kneeled down.

[emokid777]: archwyn grabed durks hand and lent him his healing powers

[Grobbo]: (O_o)

[ILY;;]: Durk smiled "Urm now wha?!"

[emokid777]: archwyn said ""

[Grobbo]: Zak went into a rage

[ILY;;]: Durk noded shut his eyes and tryed hard.

[emokid777]: archwyn healed quickly " wow you use that well "

[Grobbo]: Zak walked over to them with evil eyes

[ILY;;]: Durk opened his eyes "Heh thanks!"

[emokid777]: archwyn looked over at zak " whats with you? "

[Grobbo]: He stared and said nothing

[emokid777]: archwyn said " ohhhh k then... "

[Grobbo]: His eyes were red

[emokid777]: archwyn stood " sh.... "

[ILY;;]: Durk looked.

[~Cerys~Cymraeg~]: Ola stood "I'm going over there..." she started walking away [Arianwen shook her head "Dont ola..what if something happens..."

[Grobbo]: He breathed in deeply

[ILY;;]: Mee-Mee looked at her "It will be fine Durk can sort him out he has done many times before you know" She smiled softly. || Durk took hold of Archwyn in his arms (NO HE AINT GAY >_<) And ran out back to them all.

[Cloud Natiion]: Rhiannes walks in and looks around... "hey people... i havnt been here for a long while.. hows it going?" (i changed my charactors picture if thats ok in the angel section ^_^)

[ILY;;]: (its great!)Durk put Archwyn down and took hold of Ola \\ Mee-Mee smiled "Yeah were you been!"She walked up to her.

[Cloud Natiion]: "oh you know... just here and there" Rhianne smiled and gave Mee-Mee a big hug

[ILY;;]: Mee-Mee spun her around || Durk looked at her "I remeber you.." he looked way.

[Cloud Natiion]: Rhianne narrowed her eyes at him... "do you? and what, exactly, do you remember about me?" she walked away from Mee-Mee and up to Durk.

[ILY;;]: Durks eyes widerend "This and that.." Mee-Mee watched carefully

[Cloud Natiion]: "i see..." Rhianne glanced at Mee-Mee questioningly

[ILY;;]: Mee-Mee nodded | Durk picked oOla off her feet ad carried her home.

[Cloud Natiion]: "meh" Rhianne walked back over to Mee-Mee with a shrug.

[ILY;;]: Mee-Mee smirked "Durk for ya then...hes bizzy and that since Ola has a baby on the way and marrige to.!" She grined happily

[Cloud Natiion]: Rhianne smiled sadly "yeah im happy for them both.. i wish i had someone like they have each other"

[ILY;;]: Mee-Mee smiled "Dont you worry there will be someone coming for you...A lucky one. [Dale was sitting in the tree watching Durk and Ola laughing.]

[Cloud Natiion]: Rhianne lookd Mee-Mee in the eyes "im sure your right" she said feeling a bit happier now that she had Mee-Mees reasurance "ill just have to wait... only god knows for how long thogh"

[ILY;;]: Mee-Mee smiled "Yeah i dont think it wil be that long my wings feel happy."She giggled [Dale jumped down and watched them still]

[Cloud Natiion]: "hah well we should all trust your wings Mee-Mee!" Rhianne laughed. "what a lovely day it is.. shall we go and sit on the grss or something?"

[ILY;;]: Mee-Mee giggled "Yeah sure lets go.." [Dale watched them go in and kiss he was almost sick]

[Cloud Natiion]: Rhianne walked across the garden and found a nice patch of soft grren grass for them to sit on near a blossom tree "how about here?"

[ILY;;]: Mee-Mee eyes lit up "Wow its beutiful come on race you!" She laughed and began running [Dale walked past head down and jumped out the way off Mee-Mee and disapeared.]

[Cloud Natiion]: "hey wait up!!" Rhianne shouted after Mee-Mee and started chasing her "im guna catch up to you!" she giggled.

[ILY;;]: Mee-Mee giggled running more "Come on then!" [Daleappered in the tree above were they were going to sit and couldnt be seen]

[Cloud Natiion]: out of breath and a little tired Rhianne spread her wings and sawed over Mee-Mee to the tree and landed gracefully beneath it. "haha beat that" she stuck her tounge out at Mee-Mee

[ILY;;]: Mee-Me giggled and fell rolling to the tree her hair everywere "Well wind swept look is mofo!" She laughed. [Dale watched silently.]

[Cloud Natiion]: "haha!" Rhianne handed Mee-Mee her comb " you really do have lovely hair Mee-Mee, d'you think i should grow mine?" Rhianne flicked her hair around in a baywatch like pose and giggled

[ILY;;]: Mee-Mee giggled and claped her hands"10 points! yeah you should its loverly to!" Shes smiled. [Dale watched a smiled apeared on his face]

[Cloud Natiion]: Rhianne layed down and rested her head on her hands "thanks ive always wanted it real long"

[ILY;;]: Mee-Mee lay beside her doing the same "Its ok... you would soot it. [ Dale was watching.]

[Cloud Natiion]: "yeah well.." Rhianne looked up into the tree peering through the light pink blossoms "did you hear that?"

[ILY;;]: Mee-Mee looked up "Yeah..."[Dale looked at her eyes wide.]

[Cloud Natiion]: "ahhhh!!!" Rhianne jumped up "theres a guy up there! hes spieing on us!!!"

[ILY;;]: Mee-Mee flew up "WHAT!?" [Dale rolled his eyes and jumped down]

[Cloud Natiion]: Rhianne grabbed a stick and held it out threateningly "dont you come any closer spy or ill...ill... hit you with my stick!!" >.<

[ILY;;]: Mee-Mee giggled a little [Dale stoof there head down "Very well.."]

[Cloud Natiion]: "yeah thats right ha stay there" Rhianne waved her stick around in triumph

[ILY;;]: Mee-Mee couldnt help but laugh [Dale joined her]

[Cloud Natiion]: "hey! dont laugh at me!" Rhianne said, her cheecks burning red

[ILY;;]: Mee-Mee covered her mouth [Dale lifted his head and smirked "And why not you will hit me with your stick....hmmm scary i think.." he smiled]

[Cloud Natiion]: Rhianne folded her arms and sulked "meh i could totally beat you down with my stick if i wanted to.. i just dont want to right now"

[ILY;;]: Mee-Mee smiled and walked to her whispered in her ear "You want me to leave you wo alone?" She smiled. [Dale raised an eyebrow "What you saying purple!!"]

[Cloud Natiion]: Rhianne giggled "i dont even know who this guy is! he still looks like a creepy stalker spy dude to me!"

[ILY;;]: Mee-Mee laughed. [Dale raised bother eyebrows and folded his arms "Well heloo to you to!"]

[Cloud Natiion]: "well you havnt exactly introduced yourself have you? and i mean its a bit rude to spy on people from trees dont you think?" she said to Dale, then turned and winked at Mee-Mee "dont you agree..Purple?"

[ILY;;]: Mee-Mee gasped "Cheeky!" she giggled [Dale shruged "True well im Dale im 19 and an engel! what else...."]

[Cloud Natiion]: "well thats better!" Rhianne held her hand out to Dale, "im Rhianne, pleasure to meet you Dale" ^_^

[ILY;;]: Mee-Mee smirked ~love is in the air do do do dooooo~ [Dale took hold and shook it "You to.."]

[Cloud Natiion]: Rhianne elbowed Mee-Mee in the side "stop that!!! your so embarressing hehe" she hissed but still carried on smileing at Dale

[ILY;;]: Mee-Mee whistled looking away ~you can kiss now haha!~ she thought. [Dale looked at Purple as he called her then back at Rhianne and smiled back]

[Cloud Natiion]: *awkward silence* "umm... you can let go of my hand now if you want..."

[emokid777]: [ryu looked up " DALE! did my mom give you a time traveling device two?! "]

[Cloud Natiion]: "what the...." Rhianne lookd at the new person standing behind Dale

[ILY;;]: Mee-Mee had ran off. [Dale looked "WHAT!" he smiled at her at let go of her hand]

[emokid777]: [ryu said " dont you remember me its ryu your best friend! whereve you been?! "]

[Cloud Natiion]: Rhianne looked down at her hand for a few moments.. it felt all tingley and warm. then she looked around for Mee-Mee but seeing she was gone went and stood next to Dale

[ILY;;]: [Dale gasped "Oh shit yeah!" Dale looked at her out the corner of his eyes]

[Cloud Natiion]: "..." Rhianne stood there confused not noticing Dale looking at her

[emokid777]: [ryu threw a pendant to dale " remember when you gave me that when you disapeared....whered you go? "]

[ILY;;]: [Dale was speechless "Urm urm....somewere..." He was still looking at her]

[emokid777]: [ryu said " oh....ill go now i see your busy " ryu faded ]

[Cloud Natiion]: Rhianne looked up at Dale "...what?"

[ILY;;]: [Dale gasped "Where the fu!?...nothing" He stoped looking at her and looking for Ryu but shruged "Hes gone."]

[Cloud Natiion]: "hmm you sure?" she stood there still looking at him

[emokid777]: [ryu was up in a tree " you know archwyns alive now my father you never got to meet...hes here in this time if you wanna see him if not then i guess later " ryu lept from tree to tree to the church ]

[ILY;;]: [Dale thought ~no~ but said"Yeah ...." and smiled.]

[Cloud Natiion]: Rhianne smiled back " oh ok then"

[emokid777]: [ryu noticed durk hoping toward dale ~hmm~]

[Cloud Natiion]: "heh" Rhianne started walking towards the trees, glancing over her sholder at Dale and winked

[emokid777]: archwyn behind durk " where we going man? "

[ILY;;]: [Dale gasped] Durk looked at him "Bringing Ola home!"

[emokid777]: archwyn said "alright"

[Cloud Natiion]: Rhianne went and sat in the shade looking at all these strange people wondering about Dale

[ILY;;]: [Dale climbed a near tree] Durk walked on.

[emokid777]: a portal opened infront of durk archwyn pushed durk outve the way " dont go in there! "

[Cloud Natiion]: Rhianne jumped up and glided to Dales tree landing on the branch above him "hey"

[ILY;;]: Durk blinked "WHAT THE FUCK!" he looked at him "Im carring Ola cant you see she has a lump shes pregnat BECAREFULLL!" he growled [Dale looked up "Hi.." he smiled]

[emokid777]: archwyn said " well do you want her and you to die or did you want me to safe you boths life calm the fuck down "

[Cloud Natiion]: "erm.. whats up?" Rhianne smiled shyly back kinda wishing she wasnt growing quiet this red

[ILY;;]: Durk snarled at him "Im going home!" [Dale smiled "Nothing really sitting in a tree looking at.......nothing..." he went red to]

[Cloud Natiion]: "ok kool..." she looked at him "hehe your all red"

[emokid777]: archwyn said " fine you brat " he turned and kicked the tree dale and rhianne was on not noticing them in there

[ILY;;]: [Dale blinked "You are to..."]

[Cloud Natiion]: Rhianne almost fell out of the tree but grabed onto Dale falling into his lap

[emokid777]: archwyn flew up

[ILY;;]: [Dale gasped "Heh..." he prep her up] Durk growled. more walking on.

[Cloud Natiion]: "heh.." she leaned close to his face "thanks for not letting me fall"

[ILY;;]: [Dale went bright red and smiled "Its ok...."]

[Cloud Natiion]: Rhianne kissd him quickly on the cheek then giggled

[emokid777]: archwyn flew high

[ILY;;]: [Dale almost fell out but made his wings stop him] Durk placed Ola on the couch.

[Cloud Natiion]: Rhianne smiled micheviously then grabbed onto Dales sholders pulling himself and her straight out of the tree and sending them plummeting towards the ground

[emokid777]: archwyn dove and caught them both " you to should be more carefull " he placed them on the floor

[ILY;;]: [Dale Clng on to her "Well you kicked the tree mate!"]

[Cloud Natiion]: "hehe yeah well its always fun to live life on the edge"

[emokid777]: archwyn laughed " i supose so "

[ILY;;]: [Dale smirked.]

[~Cerys~Cymraeg~]: ola leaned against the tree next to her and sighed. [Arianwen smiled "Wish arch was here..the baby is kicking..."]

[emokid777]: archwyn sighed ~ i wonder where arianwen is ~

[Cloud Natiion]: "oh wow! can i feel it?!" Rhianne ran towards Ola

[ILY;;]: (oh well then Olas moved people haha lol) Durk peared around her [Dale watched her]

[~Cerys~Cymraeg~]: ((not olas baby hun, arianwens XD)) [Arianwen nodded "Sure"]

[Cloud Natiion]: ((ow ok.. i knew that XD)) "heh cool!" she placed her hand on Arianwens tummy

[emokid777]: archwyn turned " hey was just thinking of you " archwyn kissed arianwen

[ILY;;]: [Dale smiled watching her do so] Durk looked at Ola over her shouter "Heyy beautiful.." he smiled and kissed her cheek.

[Cloud Natiion]: Rhianne looked up at Dale and smiled "Dale come feel this!!"

[ILY;;]: [Dale walked over and but a hand on her tummy "heh!"]

[~Cerys~Cymraeg~]: [Arianwen smiled and kissed him back "Its kicking..look" she put his hand on her stomach]

[Cloud Natiion]: ((i cant find the picture for Arianwen >.<))

[emokid777]: archwyn said " ryu.... "

[ILY;;]: Durk looked at her "You very quite ok?"

[~Cerys~Cymraeg~]: ((the fuck...its gone O_O;;)) [Arianwen smiled "He'll be fine you know"]

[Cloud Natiion]: ((umm ok then)) Rhianne randomly hugged Dale

[emokid777]: archwyn said " he wont meet me till he goes back in time bound to die....rememeber.... "

[~Cerys~Cymraeg~]: [Arianwen bit her lip "Dont..please..."]

[ILY;;]: ((WHAT!!!!)) Durk walked off "Fine then..!" [Dale gasped holding her close and smiled slightly feeling happy and warm]

[emokid777]: archwyn said " sorry.. "

[Cloud Natiion]: Rhianne smiled up at him and took his hand "come on" she said quietly " this way"

[~Cerys~Cymraeg~]: Ola wandered into the forest, holding her stomach, it had taken to stinging for a while... [Arianwen hugged him "I dont want to think about that"]

[ILY;;]: [Dale looked back and then followed her taking her hand] Durk folded his arms ~Why she not talking to me..~

[emokid777]: archwyn hugged her back

[Cloud Natiion]: Rhianne lead him throught he trees till they came to a wide open space with a glittering turqouise pool of warm water in the middle

[~Cerys~Cymraeg~]: ((hun..olas not with you x)) [Arianwen smiled]

[ILY;;]: [Dale's eyes widerened "WOW!"] ((Yeah he walked up to her though lol now he bugered off again x))

[~Cerys~Cymraeg~]: ((sowwy, didnt see, olas upset >.>))

[emokid777]: archwyn held arianwens hand

[Cloud Natiion]: "yeah its beautiful.." Rhianne spread her wings and flew to a large rock sitting in the middle of the glistening pool then called for Dale to join her

[ILY;;]: ((OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Durk to the rescue)) [Dale flew over to her and sat.]

[Cloud Natiion]: ((ive gota go for a few mintures people ill be back in a bit xxxx))

[~Cerys~Cymraeg~]: [Arianwen closed her eyes] Ola sniffed and wiped her eyes, she felt a horrid burning now, she prayed it wasnt what she thought it wa

[ILY;;]: ((ok but i might be gone >_> xxx)) Durk walked up to her again "Ola wats wrong?"

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